Goal: Strength/Muscle Growth, Sets: Mostly 3, Method: Single Sets, Super-Sets, Super-"Duper" Sets
Dumbbell Curls x 3
[Cable Peaks x Drag Curls] x 3
[Reverse Curls x Hammer Curls] x 2
[Zottman Curls x 20 Pushups x Weighted Band Curl] x 3
[Standing Double Kickbacks x Bosu Widegrip Pushups] x 3
[Reverse Cable Pulldowns x Sagged Head Triceps] x 3
[Unilateral Kickbacks x Dips] x 2
[Tricep Pulldown x Overhead Tricep Ext x Bosu Closegrip Pushups] x 3
Lesnar (Explosive) Pushups - One set 'til failure
75 Situps - One set
Duration: 45 minutes
Concept/Explanation: This was my first workout in a week, so coming off my longest break in a while, I kept it short. Lots of supersetting (back-to-back exercises) in my attempt to create muscle hypertrophy. A really good superset is Cable Peaks and Drag curls, which I will post videos for or you can look up. Both work your Bicep in a unique way and compliment eachother well. In my last Bicep sets I introduced pushups to warmup my Triceps. As always with Triceps, I like to superset weighted exercises with different pushups. There are SO many different kinds that stress the Tricep at different angles that it's always a great supersetting exercise. Sagged Head Tricep Ext is also a great exercise because it does a good job of putting the Tricep through full extension/flexion - yielding great results. Lastly, Lesnar pushups are an exploding pushup where one arm is on/ one arm is off the Bosu and you do a pushup, exploding and switching hands so the opposite hand is on the Bosu and the Bosu-hand shifts to the opposite side of the ball. Great for burning out - generally do these at the end of Tricep workouts until I collapse. Explosive exercises build muscle the fastest.
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