Sunday, April 24, 2011

Client (DO) Workout #5: Caloric Expenditure and Total Body Workout

This was a mixture of Cardio, Weightlifting, and Conditioning all at once.

Incline Treadmill (Speed over Incline) - 10 min
Total Body - Calf Raises x MB Squats x Russian Twist x Back Ext. x KB Obliques x Crunches x Lat Raises x Tricep Pushbacks x DB Hammers
Bosu Conditioning Drills - 3 min

Elliptical - 10 min
Total Body - Calf Raises x Sumo Squats x Gorilla Swing 1 x Back Ext x Tai Crunches x Gorilla Swing 2 x Tricep Pushbacks x DB Hammers
Bosu Conditioning Drills - 3 min
Bosu Plank

Incline Treadmill (Incline over Speed) - 10 min
Bosu Conditioning Drills - 2 min
Plank x Reverse Plank

Client (GB) Workout #4: Weight Training (Chest/ Back/ Core)

Weight Training - 45 min
[DB Bench x Cable Bench x Face Pulls x Bent-Over Rows x Plank] x 2
Bosu Flies x Cybex Pull-Togethers x Incline Pushups x Upright Rows x Reverse Plank
Unilat. Bosu Fly x Cybex Pull-Togethers x Double-Bosu Pushups x Upright Row x Bosu Reverse Plank
Unstable Unilat. Rows x Cable Rows x Cats&Dogs x Bosu Unilat. Pushups x Bicycle Crunches
Unstable Unilat. Rows x Unstable Cable Rows x Bosu Swans x Bosu Pushups x Side-to-Side MB Crunches

Lower Body - 15 min
Incline Treadmill Intervals w/ Kettle Bells (Max w/o KB = 3.4mph @ 9, Max w/KB = 3.1mph @ 7)

Awesome workout, but there are way harder ones in her near future.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Client (L&L) Workout #3: Caloric Expenditure, Total Body Strengthening & Flexiblity Training

Flexibility Training - 13 min
Hamstring Stretch
Individual Hamstring Stretch/ Glute Stretch/ Lower Back & Lat Stretch
IT Band Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
Quadricep Stretch
Standing Calf Stretch

Total Body Strengthening - 25 min
[Stability Ball Squat w/ Lateral Raises x DB Hammer Curls x Individual Rows x Tricep Extention x Plank x Cats & Dogs x Heel Touching Crunches x Medicine Ball Squats x Calf Raises] x 1
[Stability Ball Squat w/ Lateral Raises x DB Hammer Curls x Cybex Rows x DB Kickbacks x Bicycle Crunches x Cats & Dogs x Thai Crunches x Medicine Ball Squats x Calf Raises] x 1

Cardio/ Caloric Expenditure
L1: Bike @ Constant Speed for 20 min
L2: Incline Treadmill Interval Workout for 20 min (peaks: 3.6 mph @ 8 degrees and 3.4mph @ 15 degrees)