Sunday, March 20, 2011

Client (RB) Workout #1: Legs, Core, and Caloric Expenditure

Goal: Strengthen Legs, Increase Cardio & Burn Calories, Sets: Mostly 1, Method: Circuits, Cardio Intervals, Boxing
Stairs (25 steps) x 6

Single Leg Dead Lift x Sumo Squat x Individual Calf Raises x Ice Skaters x Stairs (2 w/20 lbs extra)
Single Leg Split Squat x Goblet Squat x DB Calf Raises x Squat Skaters x Stairs (2 w/20 lbs extra)
Single Leg Bosu Squats x Medicine Ball Squat x Individual Calf Raises x Ice Skaters x Stairs (3 w/20 lbs extra)

Elliptical: 8 min @ 65%, 6 min @ 75%, 3 min @ 85% (17 min total)
Boxing Circuits (250 punches in 7 min)

[Rows x Unilat. Rows] x 2 
[Stability Ball Plank x Bosu Therapeutic Side Planks x Bosu Tilts] x 2

Duration: 62 minutes
Concept/ Explanation: RB is a cardio machine who puts the 'b' in beast, so most of his workouts are extremely tougher than the average client. With a personal goal of leg strength, we worked using different exercises with dumbbells to strengthen the legs. Using a lot of unilateral exercises, followed by regular exercises really proves to put a toll on the legs. At the end of each leg circuit was stairs with (2) 10lb weights, adding lots of extra power... and lots of extra 'burn'. Then he was on the elliptical for 15+ min doing a rigorous interval workout with high resistance. Lastly we did boxing and core. He is proving each week to throw punches more easily, handle higher resistance on cardio machines, and holding planks extremely longer. What do we call that?! RESULTS!

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