Saturday, March 19, 2011

Workout #3: Traps, Lats, and Abs

Goal: Strength/Muscle Growth, Sets: Mostly 3, Method: Single Sets, Super-Sets, Super-Duper Sets, Negatives
Treadmill: 15 min @ 7.5mph

Front Shrugs x 3
[Shrugs x Overhead Shrugs x Bent-over Rows] x 3
[Bradford Press x Reverse Shrugs] x 3
[Kettlebell Swinging Shrug x Machine Rows] x 3
Pullups x 3 Burnout Sets - Followed by 1 final negative set.

100 Regular Crunches
50 Crunches to each side
Regular Plank (120 sec)
Side Planks (60 sec each)
100 Regular Crunches

Duration: 55 minutes
Concept/Explanation: Today was an easier day in the weight room. My main focus was Traps and Lats, obviously, and with that I did very slow repetitions (1.5 sec in, 1.5 sec out) to really work on quality and control. Doing a mixture between Traps and Lats, both groups were able to constantly recover so I could execute each set perfectly. Since I had time constraints, I busted through a quick killer ab routine. Very self-explanatory, and if you have 10 min extra a day, you should get this one in.

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