Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Workout #1: In-Home Ab Routine (w/Stability Ball)

Goal: 6-Pack/Adding Core Muscle Mass, Muscle Groups: Core, Sets: 3

[30 Crunches, Stability Ball Plank (30s), Floor Plank (30s)] x 3
[20 Bridges, One-Legged Bridges (12ea), Reverse Plank (30s)] x 3
[20 Tai Crunches (each side), 30 Heel Slides, 30 Alternating Heel Slides, Side Plank (30s each)] x 3
[25 Unanchored Situps, Stability Ball Roll-outs (20 sec), 12 Stability Ball Jack Knifes] x 3

Duration: 28 minutes
Concept/Explanation: The first mini-circuit focused only on the basic abs, the second focused on the backside of your core, the third circuit focused on the side of our core (and obliques), followed by the fourth circuit, which focused on the entire core overall. Basically, my intention was to burn out the front of my core (abs), the back of my core (lower back/Lats), and the sides of my core (obliques, transverse abs, illiac crest). After tiring all of these muscle groups out, I went to a circuit of three different tough exercises that utilize all elements and muscle groups involved with the core. Great ab routine, great concept, great results.

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